Alex Pheonix
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"The war has ended, the battle has been won but is this worth the sacrifice of the lives of your people?"

Name: Alex Pheonix
Height:5ft 7"
Build: slender, lean, muscular
Weight: 8.5 stone
Blood type: AB+
Race: Hellcat
Eye color: changes constantly
Hair color: dark brownish black
Marital status: free but not looking
Weapons: his bare hands/paws, teeth and now and then daggers or a sword

The young must grow old
Whilst the old must grow older,
And cowards will shrink,
As the bold ones grow bolder.
Courage may blossom in quiet hearts,
For who can tell where bravery starts?
Truth is a song, oft lying unsung,
Some mother bird, protecting her young,
Those who lay down their lives for friends
The echo rolls on, it seldom ends,
Who never turned and ran, but stayed?
This is a warrior born, not made!
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,
Till evil arrives with some wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
A challenger rings then strait and fair
Justice is with us. Beware! Beware!

"...The woods are lovely, dark and deep. He has kept his promises and earned his sleep. ...."
he has the power to teleport and levetate as well as being able to change into a hellcat .. or rather being a hellcat thet can become human
My human form.
click on the image to see his hellcat form

Eventually more will be added to this site its just I'm a lazy sod and cant be bothered to do it now..^^

His blue suit
Image from drawn by Kirk